Scott E Hughes
Scott E Hughes

 Apex ---> Mystery
 > The Universal Spirit
 > Providence
 > Bed of consciousness
 >> Community of beings
 >>> My being
 >>>> My witness
 >>>> My soul
 >>>>> My oversouls
 >>>>> My divinity
 >>>>> My incarnations
 >>>>>> My current incarnation
 >>>>>>> My spirit
 >>>>>>> My psyche
 >>>>>>>> My fate
 >>>>>>>> My presence
 >>>>>>>>> My world
 >>>>>>>>>> My transworld
 >>>>>>>>>> My quantum world
 >>>>>>>>>> My upper world
 >>>>>>>>>> My twilight world
 >>>>>>>>>> My underworld
 >>>>>>>>> My character
 >>>>>>>>> My reputation
 >>>>>>>> My mind
 >>>>>>>>> My personality
 >>>>>>>>>> My self
 >>>>>>>>>>> My egos
 >>>>>>>>>>> My ideas
 >>>>>>>>>>>> My identity
 >>>>>>>>>>>> My thoughts
 >>>>>>>>>>>>> My individuality
 >>>>>>>>>>>>> My collectivity
 >>>>>>>>>>>>> My relationships
 >>>>>>>>>>> My consciousness
 >>>>>>>>>> My shadow
 >>>>>>>>> My potential
 >>>>>>> My legacy
 >>>>>> My other incarnations
 >> Sea of ideas
 >> Omniverse
 >> Fantasy land
 >> Dream land
 >> Spirit land
 >> Myth land
 >> The Ages

Idea Pyramid Home

A Pyramid of Ideas

My pairs [complementary pairs; pairs of opposites; examples of pairs; binary oppositions]
(Mystery > Bed of consciousness > Community of beings > My being > My soul > My incarnations > My current incarnation > My psyche > My mind > My personality > My self > My ideas > My thoughts > My individuality > My symbols > My pairs)

. Mortals - Immortals
. Yang - Yin
. Male - Female
. Heaven - Earth
. Trust - Paranoia
. Reality - Illusion
. Events - Hoaxes
. Fact - Fiction
. Real - Imaginal
. Truth - Lies
. Official - Gossip
> Knowledge - Ignorance
. Intelligence - Deception
. Information - Disinformation
. Misinformation - Disinformation
. Consensus - Discord
. Understandings - Misunderstandings
. Subject - Object
. Self - Other
. Us - Them
. Signifier - Signified
. Perpetrator - Victim
. Predator - Prey
. Prospect - Customer
. Seller - Buyer
. Centralization - Decentralization
. Sameness - Novelty
. Personal - Professional
. Private - Public
. Remembering - Forgetting
. Form - Emptiness
. Samsara - Nirvana
. Being - Nothingness
. On - Off
. 1 - 0
. Yes - No
. White - Black
. Right - Wrong
. Positive - Negative
. Red - Blue
. Inner space - Outer space
. Natural - Supernatural
. Connects - Disconnects
. Consensus - Conflict
. Memories - Scenarios
. Foreground - Background
. Rulers - Ruled
. Sacred - Profane
. Health - Illness
. Initiators - Initiates
. Life - Death
. Civilization - Wilderness
. Inside - Outside
. Empirical - Transcendental
. Visible - Invisible
. Classified - Unclassified
. Normal - Paranormal
. Penetration - Receptivity
. Pursuer - Pursued
. Reward - Punishment
. Divination - Deduction
. Host - Guest
. Key - Lock
. Pleasure - Pain
. Rule - Serve
. Presenters - Receivers
. Beauty - Beast
. Intuition - Intellect
. Existence - Abstraction
. Materialism - Idealism
. Democratic - Authoritarian
. Democracy - Totalitarianism
. Freewill - Predetermination
. Reality - Theater
. Host - Parasite
. Insider - Outsider
. Words - Actions
. Fantasies - Realities
. Silence - Sound
. Saved - Damned
. Origin - Destination
. Assets - Liabilities
. Expenses - Income
. Sequential - Random
. Static - Dynamic
. Cause - Effect
. Concrete - Abstract
. On-stage - Backstage
. Perfect - Imperfect
. Pure - Impure
. Proactive - Reactive
. Tension - Relaxation
. Intentional - Inadvertent
. Attention - Distraction
. Natural - Manufactured
. Dirty - Clean
. Top - Bottom
. Activities - Events
. Variability - Consistency
. Input - Output
. Needed - Delivered
. Accept - Reject
. Secrecy - Openness
. Confidentiality - Disclosure
. Checkin - Checkout
. Enable - Disable
. Insert - Delete
. Overt - Covert
. Fantasies - Behaviors
. Love - Apathy
. Benign - Malign
. Chosen - Rejected
. Humanity - Brutality
. Believers - Skeptics
. Real - Unreal
. East - West
. Containment - Engagement
. Moderation - Excess
. Love - Sex
. Appointment - Meeting
. Advertisers - Programmers
. Wealth - Poverty
. Demand - Supply
. Scarcity - Abundance
. Planning - Execution
. Living - Dead
. Interest - Importance
. Business - Workers
. Pros - Cons
. Profit - Loss
. Projection - Identification
. Natural - Spiritual
. Profound - Superficial
. Attraction - Aversion
. War - Peace
. Ends - Means
. Human - Sublime
. Venus - Mars
. Birth - Death
. Dissociation - Awareness
. For - Against
. Representation - Influence
. Assimilation - Elimination
. Visionary - Implementer
. Convergence - Divergence
. Commission - Omission
. Category - Cluster
. Fortune - Misfortune
. Romance - Reality
. Sane - Insane
. Polyphrenia - Schizophrenia
. Organization - Chaos
. Causation - Correlation
. Sleep - Sex
. Dispensing - Administering
. Diagnosis - Treatment
. Philosophically - Pragmatically
. Scenarios - Events
. Punctuality - Tardiness
. Mind - Body
. Advocates - Critics
. Truth - Hype
. Influence - Susceptibility
. Opinions - Facts
. Constraining - Liberating
. Realism - Idealism
. Pleasure - Comfort
. Vulnerability - Exploit
. Vulnerability - Fix
. Trained - Tamed
. Questions - Answers
. Coincidence - Fate
. Opponents - Supporters
. Detractors - Supporters
. Capital - Labor
. Appearance - Perception
. Emissaries - Signs
. Chaos - Control
. Acceptable - Taboo
. Victim - Martyr
. Teleology - Naturalism
. Sanity - Madness
. Actual - Suspected
. Mortals - Gods
. Angel - Beast
. Implicitly - Explicitly
. Belief - Practice
. Noble - Base
. Tolerance - Resentment
. Sober - Drunk
. Honor - Shame
. Honor - Law
. Virtue - Vice
. Innocent - Guilty
. Repression - Oppression
. Immanence - Transcendence
. Freedom - Nature
. Trust - Verify
. Nodes - Ties
. Particle - Field
. Particle - Wave
. Body - Field
. Atom - Compound
. Suspect - Witness
. Angels - Demons
. Finite - Infinite
. Particular - Universal
. Fundamentalism - Secularism
. Sources - Leaks
. Agency - Fate
. Media - Court
. Empathizing - Objectifying
. Ideology - Pragmatism
. Biography - Theory
. Ideas - Actions
. Being - Doing
. Ability - Capability
. Intentions - Outcomes
. Repression - Promotion
. Idealization - Demonization
. Current - Obsolete
. Longitudel - Episodic
. Want - Purchased
. Secular - Sacred
. Order - Chaos
. Volatility - Adaptability
. Ambiguity - Clarity
. Spenders - Savers
. Rumor - Truth
. Inclusive - Exclusive
. Rest - Motion
. Chance - Purpose
. Creation - Evolution
. Production - Distribution
. Vision - Reality
. Important - Trivial
. Hero - Villain
. Mystery - Knowledge
. Faithful - Secular
. Atheism - Theism
. Bow - Rebel
. Love - Fortune
. Carrot - Stick
. Boom - Bust
. Zenith - Nadir
. Love - Money
. Fantasy - Nightmare
. Neglect - Abuse
. Civilian - Military
. Political - Military
. Policy - Implementation
. Isms - Facts
. Benefit - Deficient
. Experiences - Lessons
. Coronation - Inauguration
. Experiences - Soul
. Sadist - Masochist
. Behaviors - Consequences
. Decisions - Consequences
. Conformity - Independence
. Principles - Practices
. Effort - Result
. Possibility - Actuality
. Build - Destroy
. Revered - Reviled
. Defenses - Denunciations
. Expectations - Reality
. Zig - Zag
. Predictable - Irrational
. Critics - Supporters
. Reputation - Fact
. Power - Art
. Opportunities - Challenges
. Summery - Analysis
. Plan - Implementation
. Religion - Science
. Idealized - Demonized
. History - Biography
. Head - Feet
. Destinations - Outcomes
. Dystopia - Utopia
. Body - Shadow
. Hope - Despair
. Spirituality - Science
. Opinion - News
. Open - Close
. Connections - Associations
. Mainstream - Niche
. Hits - Niches
. Broad - Narrow
. Macro-scale - Micro-scale
. Omission - Commission
. Breadth - Depth
. Marketplace - Regulation
. Professional - Amateur
. Lightly - Seriously
. Tourist - Traveler
. Magician - Psychic
. Produced - Consumed
. Casual - Fanatic
. Sin - Redemption
. Mockery - Respect
. Traditionalist - Rationalist
. Science - Superstition
. Intention - Perception
. Regulation - Compliance
. Rationalism - Superstition
. Campaigning - Governing
. Source - Destination
. Possibilities - Options
. Artist - Repertoire
. Liberty - Law
. Mind - Brain
. Subject - Object
. Enemy - Savior
. Crime - Punishment
. Upgrade - Downgrade
. Honor - Humiliation
. Witness - Defendant
. Working - Socializing
. Request - Response
. Imaginable - Achievable
. Apologetic - Polemic
. Even - Odd
. Head - Tail
. Policy - Budget
. Problem - Solution
. Tragic - Comic
. Human - Machine
. Arrival - Departure
. Reason - Emotion
. Morality - Expediency
. Writing - Lecturing
. Showing - Doing
. Exhibitionist - Voyeur
. Condemning - Endorsing
. Ugly - Attractive
. Transmission - Receipt
. Wheat - Chaff
. Teaching - Learning
. Learning - Remembering
. Heretic - Convert
. Purpose - Accident
. Power - Law
. Force - Law
. Promises - Actions
. Shame - Pride
. Street - State
. Divide - Conquer
. Romance - Passion
. Rhetoric - Reality
. Identical - Similar
. Counselor - Client
. Bear - Bull
. Arrogance - Na?vet?
. Facts - Emotions
. Toughness - Sweetness
. Diversity - Uniformity
. Privilege - Equality
. Center - Periphery
. Independence - Interdependence
. System - Environment
. Structure - Anti-structure
. Stasis - Transition
. Stability - Instability
. Boundaries - Boundless
. Inertia - Lability
. Random - Ordered
. Rationalization - Disenchantment
. Habit - Novelty
. Structure - Liminal
. Structure - Flux
. Stability - Uncertainty
. Stasis - Destructuring
. Order - Transition
. Childhood - Adulthood
. Haves - Have-nots
. Innate - Learned
. Voluntary - Involuntary
. Conscious - Subconscious
. Diversity - Unity
. Expectation - Outcome
. Visualization - Outcome
. Up - Down
. Hard - Soft
. Culture - Language
. Raw - Cooked
. Overrating - Underrating
. Academic - Practitioner
. Globalist - Nationalist
. Distant - Close
. Combat - Conversation
. Actors - Spectators
. Reason - Madness
. Reason - Unreason
. Truth - Error
. Praise - Punish
. Heresy - Orthodoxy
. Cost - Benefits
. Ideology - Practicality
. Consistency - Contradictory
. Leadership - Followership
. Observer - Participant
. Mystical - Secular
. Spirit - Flesh
. Silence - Expression
. Confirms - Denies
. Potentialities - Limitations
. Background - Outlook
. Pain - Medicine
. Differences - Similarities
. Humanization - Demonization
. Altruism - Selfishness
. Inception - Extraction
. Policy - Practice
. Ideal - Real
. Virtualization - Mediation
. Materialization - Perception
. Idealism - Na?vete
. Content - Sources
. Forgiven - Forgotten
. Freedom - Responsibility
. Chaos - Factals
. Choice - Fate
. Superstition - Religion
. Creditor - Debtor
. Participants - Regulators
. Obedience - Creativity
. Faith - Delusion
. Life - Art
. Villain - Hero
. Transparency - Accountability
. Perceptions - Opinions
. Familiar - Unfamiliar
. Diversity - Inclusion
. Wound - Heal
. Globalization - Decentralization
. Simplicity - Complexity
. Arousal - Release
. Questions - Comments
. Integrations - Connections
. Hot - Cold
. Wet - Dry
. Opportunity - Risk
. Logical - Symbolical
. . .

We each deal with countless binary oppositions. Liminality refers to the transitional space between two pairs.

Up one level...

Suggested areas of interest:

> Navigating Idea Pyramid...         > My fate         > My branches         > My homeline         > My worldline         > My individuality         > My karma         > My scenarios         > My pivotal points         > My decision points         > My collectivity         > My threads         > Time gates         > My types of emotions         > My pairs         > My symbols         > My reputation         > My motivations         > My desires         > My world         > Contexts         > My emotions         > My recollections         > My daydreams         > My fantasies         > My visions         > My dreams         > My social communion         > My possibilities         > Mediums         > My determinations         > My options         > My life-story         > My constraints         > My patterns         > My communications         > My webs         > Thoughts         > My relationships         > My outcomes         > My group communion         > My organizational communion         > My othertimes         > Virtual realm         > My hinge factors         > My virtual experiences         > My virtual messages         > My implementations         > My challenges         > My decisions         > My destiny         > My serendipities         > My will         > My personal possessions         > My material body         > To mediums         > To content         > My finances         > My field         > My inner virtualizations         > My cycles         > My collective consensus         > My intentions         > My filters         > My agreements         > My subjects beliefs         > My types of fantasies         > My breaches         > Events         > My event-sequences         > My appointments         > My emotional states         > My press communion         > My judicial communion         > Positions         > Statuses         > Bureaucracies         > Roles         > Characters         > Scenes         > My characters         > My journeys         > My slides         > My spiritual mission         > My destiny         > My materializations         > My virtualizations         > My phantoms         > My character building         > My media access points         > My collective context         > My perspectives         > My worldview         > My Earth communion         > My stream of consciousness         > My inner senses         > My health                         Site Bibliography        

Mystery's Cascading Concepts